So much has happened in the past couple of months that I fail to remember most of it. A notable moment includes the circus which I promised Alice I'd mention. This was so bad that it turned into somewhat of an amusingly fun time. It started with the ring leader dude yelling at his partner in which she swore back at him and then he went on to tell us for around 10 min. about Auckland zoo and how much he dislikes them. Then there was the poor autistic boy (again the ring leader had to tell us this over and over again). His attempt at juggling for us wasnt the best. You couldn't blame him as he only started with the circus last november, really I would be much worse. But did they really need to make him dress up as a clown and juggle for us all over again? If that wasn't enough he then came out so the ring leader could whip him with his whip! Ooo and they also had a deformed miniature pony and the elephant that looked like it was very depressed for both animals I could have almost had a lil cry. The highlight was the poodle dogs, they were very cute.... but really the highlight? hmmm.
Went with Alice to Good Charlotte. They were great. I was amazed at what a variety of different people they attracted, I was glad because to tell you the truth I was a little scared that I could have turned into an emo kid from group peer pressure but that didnt happen.
Also have been down to Taupo to watch Andy race his BMW. Had a nice dinner and a few drinks. Took us around 6 hours to get home but I got to have a look at my future life in Mangakino (spelling?)......Yay its going to be fun!!
I'm having 2 weeks holidays! MmMmm been a while. Spent the first week with Paul up in the bay of islands and spending this week at home. Have a look at his blog for what we did up there.
I can't wait for..... Chrystals dress up party, Linda to come back to visit auckalnd, the beauty expo and Alice to update her blog!! Following is some pics from the last couple of months.

Getting ready for the hole in the rock boat ride.

Elephant at the circus

Paul @ 90 mile beach

Exiting the hole in the rock- bay of islands

Me at the falls in taupo

Paul looking at what used to be bush at the lake he loved to go camping at

My family having mothers day for my grandma

Me at 90 mile beach
Oh my god, you didn't tell me you had a blog :P
I *never* expected you to start one, this is awesome :D
By the way
Don't look at my blog on blogspot, its like, 4 years old and horribly depressing, I made it after Jason and I broke up and I haven't looked at it since :P
My real blog is still on Livejournal if you're ever that bored :P
Yeah im pretty geek. Try not to be but somehow it just happens! :)
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