Sunday, 10 May 2009

France to Spain

This blog will be a lil backwards.......the photos are in the wrong order but you get the idea..

Our stop for lunch. At the moment we are on our way to Rias Baixas (its a bit above Portugal). This was taken someplace close to Gijon, north Spain.
Same place as the photo of Paul above.

I had a grand idea of finding some amazing waterfall however our tom tom did not know any of the areas that we put in and the map we had only gave us a general idea of where it would be. Although we failed at finding it we did go up the mountain Orduna which the waterfall is apparently close to and saw an amazing view.

On the way back from our waterfall hunt. We ate lunch here. Incredible mountains all around and it was so peaceful. Only two cars drove past in the 30 or so minutes we were there.

The Gurggenheim museum

In Bilbao- Spain

View of Bilbao

We spent a couple of days with K & B. Was so nice to see them. This photo was taken while having dinner. As you can see right by the water. The chef was also fishing between cooking all of the meals.

Me in Biarritz in France

Paul in Biarritz

At the campsite.

Top of Pilat Dune

Before our walk up the dune. Steps to the top of the dune made it much easier to walk up than the massive dune in NZ!

Monday, 4 May 2009

The start of our van trip

On the 1st of May 2009 we left for our 3 1/2 month trip of Europe. Here are some photos of what we have gotten up to so far....

Eating a baguette. Everyday we see person after person carrying their baguettes.

Dinner on the beach. Paul made a tasty pasta packet.

St Malo. Very beautiful walled city.

Mont-st-michel. It was a very rainy day when we went here. Would have been stunning if the sun was out.

Paul at Omaha beach. One of the D day beaches. We camped at this beach for the night.

Canterbury in England.