Sunday, 2 November 2008

Kates cowgirl/ cowboy party

Kate, one of our best London friends celebrated her birthday by having a dress up party. The theme, cowgirl/ cowboy. So off to Primark I went to get a bargain priced cowgirl looking dress, teamed with my festival straw hat I felt somewhat like a cowgirl. While Paul went as a Mexican cowboy. Was a fun could it not be when you are dressed as a cowgirl?
Oh no, Paul has found someone with a matching outfit!

Kate with toilet paper eyes.

Me, Tim and Sarah.

Ummmm Paul giving Edward the cow a hug, and I don't know what Tim is doing.

Haha a happy Paul.

Me and Sarah

Again I'm not too sure what is happening here.


Away from the cold London, to the sunny Cyprus. Was very rocky but the waters extremely clear. We spent a lot of time driving around the island, trying to find some sandy beaches. One highlight was the tomb of the kings, underground tombs that date back to the 4th century BC. A great trip to get away from the cold and to chill out.
At a fish restaurant, as you can see right by the sea. Was a bit of a stormy day with the waves coming through the window. beautiful fish.

This is a small town in the middle of the mountains.

Standing on the salt lake.

Tomb of the Kings