Sunday, 18 March 2007

More Camping

This camping trip has to have been one of the more hilarious trips that I have been on. Boys dressed as girls.....not overly surprising as this isn't the first time I have had the pleasure of experiencing this amongst Paul's group of male friends. Surprise could be one word to describe the reaction we got from the other campers! The water despite how cold it looked was so so warm, and the surf so so fun. Overall it was a good weekend and I think we all needed a break from everyday life. Oh and sorry to all the boys I really did feel bad about putting the photos up, but really how could I not have? They are just too GOOD!

All so beautiful!


alice said...

You should really wear kelly's skirt more often paul, it looks good... haha

Anonymous said...

Boy's just wanna have fu'un. Now who wrote that song? Well done on getting the pics Kelly. Great to see you all chilling out and having a fun time. Awesome location team.
Cheers, Elly