Monday, 22 January 2007

Big Day Out 07

Gutted 4 you if you didn't go to this years big day out. Had I paid 3 times the amount I did there would be no regret! Yes it was ooohhhhh sooooo gooooood! The day started on a good note for myself, Paul and Alice with Minuit. From there we waited for ever for the toilet, we quickly learnt that standing for 15 min in the men's que was the only option as the woman's could have taken us hours. After getting some lunch (yes we avoided anything kebab like after new years) we walked over for The Tutts, really we would have gotten more enjoyment sitting in a puddle of water. Paul wandered off for a couple of hours wile Alice and myself went to see My Chemical Romance, quickly followed by Lily Alan. Lily was fantastic! It took us half of her show for us to push ourselves to the back of the front 1/2 of the boiler room there was that many excited people! We then met up with Paul and Edward for dinner. The Killers were amazing, so much so that I could almost have a lil crush on them Myself and Alice ventured back to the boiler room to see The Streets. They were a million times better than the last time I saw them! To be honest we almost skipped them as we were getting tired, thankfully we didn't as they were so good that they created enough energy for us both to have a little dance. It was dark after The Streets so we found the boys and sat while they danced to Tool. Home to the hell did Alice manage to go to work the next day? I must be getting older cause I was sooooo tired from my Big Day Out fun!

Awwwww LILY......isn't she cute!

Alice at My Chemical Romance

At Minuit

My Chemical Romance

mMmmMm The Killers

Boys having a rest.


alice said...

Aw dont you & paul look pretty!! I seriously loved this years BDO

his and hers said...

I don't know if you realised, but you are sitting at the back. GET AMONGST IT!!!!!!

Kelly said...

Meh we are getting old. We couldn't even stay right till the end cause we needed to go home to sleep. :)