Really right now I wish I was in bed sleeping. But no thats really not possible due to the volume of my brothers music for the small party he is having. Happy Birthday to him tho! So instead I'm up writing about the Christmas lights. To the average person not so thrilling, but to me, as you all know I get some over the top joy when it comes to bright Christmas lights in the form of Santa. We found the best house ever for Christmas lights display in Mirangi Bay. Here are the pics...

They even had a foam machine going for the snow......not that u can see it in the pic

Come on Fanta pants leave the snow man alone. Whats happen to the mo the ladies loved it.
Woah, thats one intense house! Dont forget your taking me to see frankin rd though missy!!
If you're into seeing a dazzeling christmas lights display, the one on the Great South Road at the Honey and Strawberry place, between Papakura and Drury, opposite where we once lived. This is bigger and brighter than ever, a must see.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Cheers, Elly
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