Last night we had a BBQ at our place for my work party. It was lots of fun and great to see everyone having a good time out of our normal work environment. Alice and Andy came as Alice is pretty much considered still a PedmanSpicer worker even if its been about a year since she last worked. Unfortunately for Ruey I managed to spill all the bloody meat juice all over her, she just put it down to me having had too much to drink tho. We had some interesting stories told and lots of punch to drink.
I have had a great year with concerts, the killers- wonderful, good charlotte- terrific and well JT was fantastic! Although people are not likely to believe me due to the fact that even if he was terrible I'd have still loved it. But when Paul says its the best concert he has ever been too you have to believe that it was truly great. I almost managed to take my camera in with me , my bag had been searched and I was ready to go inside when the man said to me "you don't have a camera in your bag do you?" and me being hopeless at lying i had to admit that I did, much to Paul'sannoyance as we had to line up again so they could put my camera in a bag to be collected at the end of the night. Luckily we had Paul's phone and managed to take some photos and videos- even if they are no t the best quality.....its better than nothing!